TJ is a writer living in Portland, OR.

The Truth: Brought to you by Edward Snowden

The Truth: Brought to you by Edward Snowden

I am still thinking about Edward Snowden and the NSA spying scandal. I'm interested in people who tell the truth, who reveal things about the world we live in that we did not know.
This is what I know now:
Edward Snowden.jpg


via Matt Bors

People can believe whatever they want to about if he is a hero or a traitor (I think he did a valuable thing). The fact is, he proved that we live in a country where the government has been spying to an extent on it's citizens without their knowledge or consent. We expected a level of privacy that was not there.

Is that acceptable? Should there be any limits to how much a government can conduct surveillance on it's own citizens? I imagine people will have different answers to these questions. What really interests me is the question of what privacy is, and I'll have more on that later.

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