TJ is a writer living in Portland, OR.

Quitting your job again

Quitting your job again

I put in notice at my job.

I also turned 31.

Those statements are casually related.

The main reason I decided to quit was because I want a day job that involves writing. Something entry level that will get me experience that will show up on my resume and provide work samples, that’s not something you get sitting at a reception desk. I’m not half bad a writing, but more importantly, I actually like doing it.

This is the first time I’ve left a job because I knew there was something else I wanted to be doing instead of just getting tired of it and quitting in frustration or just leaving the country. But knowing that there is something else I want to be doing is actually pretty good for me, it's exciting (and also frightening). I do have some temp companies lined up to help me fill the gap in working if needed, and I’m sure they will be.

When the announcement went out in my office about my departure it said I was leaving to ‘pursue writing’, some people seemed to take as I was going to quit to work on my novel or something. A lot of people came up to the front desk and commended me for pursuing my passion, their misplaced encouragement actually made me feel really good because I do need to be pursuing writing (professionally and artistically).

I was talking to a friend this weekend, he said that your mid-twenties is the best time in your life, you have so many big ideas. I happen to have hated my mid-twenties for various reasons, but I did have big (and ill defined) goals. But only now do I feel like I have the fortitude to follow through on my goals.

Because I'm not getting any younger. 

Here’s to what’s next. Whatever that is.


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