I could watch this for hours.
Describing his specially commissioned new work for Future Projections, Australian artist Callum Cooper turns to cinema’s earliest days. In the early twentieth century, pioneering camera operators would show up just before the arrival of travelling fairs and shoot footage of townspeople and local landmarks, which would later be projected in a bioscope on the carnival grounds. Cooper will begin filming in Toronto about ten days before the Festival begins, at found locations and with random citizens. He uses a unique apparatus that swings the camera in a tight arc, creating a fascinating interactive experience for the people he films — and allowing a smooth cut to the next participant. The resulting compendium of footage will be projected each evening after 6pm once the Festival begins, on the giant atrium wall at TIFF Bell Lightbox, accompanied by the filming apparatus itself, qua sculpture, in dialogue with the moving images on the wall. The effect of his work is both formally rigorous and dizzyingly fun.
2012, Single channel video installation, with sculpture
Presented in collaboration with TIFF Bell Lightbox, Reitman Square, 350 King Street West, September 6 to 16.”